Tuesday, 4 May 2010

What we had . . . for dinner last week

i have been cooking on all the weekdays ever since Cheryl started school. More economical and the family can have healthy and yummy food. also, a good way for me because i love to cook and try out new recipes for the family. though sometimes it's tiring because of the washing up and timing is ever-tight because i need to cook FINISH before going downstairs to pick Cheryl from the school bus.  no matter how early i start to cook even at timing like 3.30pm, it still feel so rush and suffocating! but what keeps me going on is the contented tummies of the family and their appreciation for the dishes. nowadays i go to the market with D in tow (stroller of course) after Cheryl boarded the school bus to get fresh produce daily. getting fresh produce daily indeed has a huge difference compared to getting the groceries for the entire week. the family gets to eat healthily and nice food now topping of with absolute freshness each day, so what's the big deal amidst of the washing up!

all pictures taken from my mobile because it's just next to me on the table top, rather than running to the room to grab the camera. :p
my 1st ever baked chicken in my life. LOL. adapted from Nasi Lemak Lover

after de-boning and skinned. tasted more like steamed chicken to me.

1st attempt self made char-siew

after slicing when it's cooled

close-up. a great success! the hubby even commented that we could stop buying char-siew from outside already. :p

1st attempt lemon chicken chops

fried dough sticks with fish paste

stir fry tomatoes with eggs

stir fry greens 

this are just some of what we had throughout the entire week.
very simple dishes for the family. more to come in the future. hope this pictures appeals to you. :)